Meet the team

This is the team behind openrouteservice - a colourful mixture of forward thinking minds from different domains

Openrouteservice is maintained by Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) group and is supported by the Klaus Tschira Foundation (KTS) Heidelberg. It is part of the GIScience Research Group at the Department of Geography, within the University of Heidelberg. Its objective is to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and technology from academia to practical applications and professional services. The focus lies on the analysis, refinement, enrichment and usage of big spatial data from the crowd for innovative applications and services.

Adam Rousell

DevOps Engineer

As an organizational talent, adam handles everything from meeting organization over project planning to overseeing pull requests and taking care of our servers. He would like to actually implement features but his wish is often denied due to all his other responsibilities.

Andrzej Oleś

Core Engineer

Andrzej studied computer science and earned his PhD in theoretical physics. Today he is working with us especially on graph algorithms to make openrouteservice find your optimal route in an even shorter amount of time. By the way, he is also a pretty experienced R developer – not many of them are around here in Heidelberg!

Alexander Zipf


Alexander is chair of GIScience (Geoinformatics) at the University of Heidelberg. He started openrouteservice back in 2008 and promised to keep innovative services running until the present day.

Amandus Butzer

Web Engineer

Most of the time Amandus is implementing new features and fixing bugs on any of our websites. Apart from making our Apps more user friendly he is the fastest forum responder in the west and manages the ors user accounts.

Julian Psotta

Core Engineer

Julian loves test driven development and implements handy new features to the openrouteservice core. Feel free to contact him if you have any great ideas, he will love to hear from you!

Sascha Fendrich

Core Engineer

Sascha is looking into the future envisioning solutions for long-term maintainability. Due to his mathematical background he is also an excellent consultant with respect to the complex routing algorithms we implement for openrouteservice.

Takara Baumbach

Core Engineer

Takara not only loves instruments. He speaks Java fluently and takes care of new and fancy features in the openrouteservice API.

Jakob Schnell

Core Engineer

If you let him, Jakob will talk about graph theory and network analyses all day long. He single-handedly implemented the new internal centrality endpoint to openrouteservice, is maintainer of the QGIS SDK and in general works on the backend side of things.

Emma Hegarty

Research Assistant

Emma is a research assistant supporting the openrouteservice team in the further development of the website and the web client. Her tasks primarily deal with software development using web frameworks.

Jakob Stolze

Research Assistant

Jakob is helping us out with our main Website, improving user workflows and scripting custom extensions for WordPress. He really loves PHP!